Sverna MoritikAge: 58Height: 7'7" (231.4 cm)Race/Clan: Roegadyn SeawolfPronouns: She/HerRelations/Orientation: Poly/SapphicProfession: BotanistIn-Character Classes: Botanist, Bard, Warrior, Gunbreaker, GSM, LTW, CULAppearance/Personality: A rugged seawolf sporting dark, greyish-blue hair streaked with white, an emerald green right eye and gold/white prosthetic left, and a sickeningly friendly smile set in a weathered face worn with laugh-lines and crows feet and faded old scars. Sverna's frame is willowy and lithe, giving the illusion of frailty, and she carries herself with a strangely elusive air meant to deceive; she'd rather not be noticed by strangers and will avoid unfamiliar faces, most of the time. The other reason for her aversion to physical touch from others comes from her aetheric affinity to ice, Sverna's skin is freezing to the touch and is, unfortunately, usually off-putting to others. Her nature is flighty until familiar, then her more mischievous and playful behaviour is revealed, and her displays of affection would come in the shape of gifted baked goods or books of prose and song she wrote in multi-color ink. Her sense of humour is rather strange, from quick-witted and clever puns to uncontrollable laughter at strange noises, and comes with the most infectious laughter to boot. Sverna is sometimes shrewd and snarky to those who give the same vibe-- in a friendly way. Her kind, nurturing, motherly nature frequently leads people to seek succor from her, which she won't turn away as she will protect those who need it to her last breath.
Often she is described as being "possessed by song" due to her constant singing, humming, or whistling at seemingly all hours (it's true, really) and she will usually sing for someone if asked.
General HistoryBorn on a star-filled night while crossing north between the Bloodbrine Seas and the Indigo Deep, Styrlona and her twin Syrthota were welcomed by the tight-knit crime family of the Voracious Tide, a notorious ship that patrolled the Bloodbrine Sea and its northern territories to protect from threats to their home. The twins were raised in a rich and diverse group of vagabonds, bards, and thieves with hearts of gold, and took quite well to song and theater from their father, and excelled in the art of the Warrior from their mother. On their 19th nameday, while crossing into Vylbrand territory, the ship was attacked by Leviathan thralls and half the crew vanished, including their parents. After two days of searching the northern coasts for their parents they were once again besieged by thralls, yet these seemed rather freshly turned and some were easily recognizable as old crewmates, while others were so far gone they were simply walking monstrosities; none carried the faces of their mother or father, and all attackers were subsequently slaughtered. The twins searched the corpses relentlessly for an entire day, desperate to understand what happened to their parents, until the remaining crew convinced the grieving young pirates that they were simply gone. With hands and clothes soaked to the very bones and fibers with the blood of their tempered family, they mourned each loss and forced themselves to move forward. This began Styrlona's plan to escape from the seas and her cruelty.From there they assumed control of the Voracious Tide and began to recruit, where Styrlona met her first partner, a Viera named Levin, and with them bore a son upon the very ship she was born on, and named him Sanon. Upon their full takeover in the absence of their parents in their 21st summer, the Garlean Empire had decided to stretch more of its filthy talons into the northern seas and sent groups of warships on patrol, which only stoked the flames of violence within the hearts of the sisters. So, Styrlona secretly hid away her son and partner in La Noscea to keep them safe. Within three months, the Voracious Tide and the blue-haired, emerald-eyed twins were enemy number one with the empire as they constantly raided, sunk, burned, and slaughtered the soldiers sailing those ships with no mercy, taking out all of their misguided hatred on the one enemy no one would come running to assist. However their streak of luck would suddenly run dry as the Garleans adapted to their ever-changing tactics over the years and lead them into a trap, one which stole the life of Syrthota's partner and began her descent into madness. Styrlona grew ever more anxious as tensions rose between her and Syrthota, to the point where they exchanged blows and she fell from the prow, a complete accident, and got caught under the ship. Syrthota dove in to rescue her, and both came away with horrid scarring, Styrlona's chest and abdomen being the more brutal as well as the loss of sight in her left eye. Eventually a break of insanity would cause a betrayed Syrthota to chase her twin onto land and deep into the Northern Shroud, where they fought and where the young Bard was viciously struck down. The maddened Captain took two fingers on Styrlona's left hand as proof of her victory, that her sister was dead by her hands, and left her purposefully at the brink of death in a shallow river.A strange, old Au Ra calling himself Vordat came across her by pure chance and wagered his life on a bet to save hers: he sacrificed half of his aether to fuel her healing and accelerated it, bringing the young Seawolf back from the grips of death. There was no reason, at least not one he ever gave, to save her life and nurse her back to health, but he persisted and even taught her to manipulate Bardsong in spectacular ways. Vordat was a very unique brand of strange that could only be described as 'oblique' or 'obtuse' in a variety of ways, but despite all the whimsy his kindness was the most prominent feature, and what impressed upon Styrlona the most. Upon learning of the road that brought her to this point and consoling her, he calmly spoke:"Styrlona Grehyltwyn is dead. Let us bury her tonight in the garden beneath the lilies and give a moniker for you to wear. One befitting a voice as brilliant as yours."Styrlona was buried at the age of 23, and Sverna Moritik assumed her place and donned a mask to hide from the world. It was mostly to conceal her identity as she was easily recognizable to any seafaring hunters, those who were still seething at not being the ones to end her themselves. Sverna trained under Vordat as a botanist and learned his secrets of the Bard's soul in their entirety, her natural strength in manipulating Dynamis allowed her to excel at creating powerful words to weave into music, while her ability to manipulate aether was greatly stunted. Her soul was shorn and aether would spill out like an overflowing pot, resulting in her not being able to hold much aether to cast with, but this was easily supplemented by the unpredictable power of Dynamis. Of course he could tell her song was unique but could not understand why, and continued to teach her many secrets, including songs of death, while she excelled in botany as a career.Eventually she would come to meet a very intense and bull-headed miqo'te who literally slipped from the boughs of a tree and fell directly into the arms of the Bard, who was happily fishing until that moment, where she caught the falling cat... and immediately dropped her into the cold waters out of fear. The golden-haired miqo'te called herself Seda Lyehga and boasted of being the strongest Keeper in the entire continent, a rather bold statement coming from a wet cat, and once she got out of her drenched clothes to get warm around a fire with the other, she awkwardly explained that Sverna caught her attention so solidly she simply forgot how to jump. Love at first sight, it seemed, though the feeling was quite mutual even if Sverna wouldn't admit it at first. Eventually they grew close and decided to live together in a cottage tucked away in an unsuspecting clearing in the middle of the Northern Shroud, then in her 27th summer they would have twins, Rhesh and Rheah, and Sverna would continue her learning under Vordat as a master Botanist and frightfully talented Bard.Her life continued; when the twins were in their 6th summer Sverna adopted an orphaned Au Ra, Saka, to their family. From there she gained minor fame from her talents as a Botanist, often earning high praise from the guild for her work, and used every bit of Gil earned to ensure her children would be safe. And sparing small bits to fund her own solo treks in search of her son, who disappeared from her life when she ran from her sister. Ever since she recovered and could travel, she had searched and searched for signs of him or Levin to no avail, but with her new family she made her hardest choice: stop searching. It would be temporary, she swore, but eventually after Saka and the twins grew older she began searching again, now in her 38th summer. Eventually she would find the hidden home in La Noscea that her old family hid Levin and Sanon away in and set out alone, with Seda watching over their children. A seemingly unrelated group of Garlean soldiers arrived before Sverna did and carried out a targeted strike on the home, torching most of it and surrounding the only occupants: Sverna's partner Levin and their young-adult son Sanon who, despite being a novice with an axe, fought back as hard as he could before being easily overwhelmed by the soldiers. Levin, a rather gifted Astrologian, shielded their son from the chaos but could not shield themselves and was cut down, and at that moment a panicked Sverna smashed through the burning doors of the home to intercede albeit too late. At the head of the group was a malicious looking knight with a strikingly familiar face: Syrthota's late partner who they thought was dead, Frine, had instead been captured by Garleans and turned into a walking weapon, specifically for the twins in mind it seemed. Frine stole Sanon and, in some moment of insanity, slaughtered the crew she marched in with, left Sverna maimed to the point she couldn't pursue, and fled. The Bard screamed at the top of her lungs because she couldn't chase them and merely watched as they disappeared, and Sverna’s only solace was being able to say goodbye to Levin, even though her overwhelming guilt railed that this was her fault. Resigned to her grief she carried the body of her partner back to the Northern Shroud- to the cottage in the clearing, so that they could see the home she made and wanted to give them, and then buried them beneath the white lilies, next to her own headstone, with Seda's gentle and warm presence as sturdy support.In her 43rd summer, Vordat mysteriously vanished and left behind a cryptic note, detailing several leads on where Sanon might be yet no explanation on where he was. Sverna has yet to uncover his whereabouts but has refused to assume him dead, much in the same way she refused to accept the possibility that Sanon was gone.The Calamity interrupted their lives in her 48th summer, and unfortunately she and Seda were fighting with the Grand Companies when the primal Bahamut broke free of the Red Moon. Seda revealed her form as a Coeurlregina to protect Sverna, and the two fled with their daughters to safety. Since, she's kept a low profile and worked quietly with the locals and other merchants outside of Gridania (and sometimes the Adders if they promised to go away after) to eke out a living for her family, while Seda used her strength and cunning to chase high-price bounties and gain minor notoriety. On the hour of her 57th nameday, Sverna Moritik was finally reunited with Sanon, though it was bitter. Syrthota, after being imprisoned for years, eventually ran across the Bard's path and the two had a painful reunion for themselves, and rebuilt a bridge to mend their relations.At present Sverna is 58 and oddly youthful, though she spends a majority of her time working on the sprawling garden of her home in the North Shroud, living peacefully with Seda and her other partners, and out of harm's way until her thirst for adventure kicks in or a client comes calling.


When in need of rare plants, flowers, or other species of greenery there is one name recommended throughout the Shroud: Sverna Moritik. A mysterious Seawolf who never lingers yet has left quite an impression on those she has worked for, and is just the person to fill in for any type of order, even going as far as accompanying clients on dangerous ventures as a guide and guard.


Travelling the North Shroud comes with few natural perils, though some locals once warned of a "Siren" living deep within the woods, only to be revealed many years later to be the notorious Botanist herself. On a quiet walk perhaps along a slightly overgrown path one could hear hauntingly beautiful Bardsong dancing through the leaves, and the old Seawolf loves nothing more than to share her song with others who may happen across and join in.


On a solitary path, in the middle of nowhere, a traveler stumbles across an unconscious old woman wrapped in a cloak lying face-down in the dirt. She doesn't appear to be dead, and there's a faint sound of snoring... one might assume she was asleep? A dilemma...

Time Zone: GMT -4 ESTActive Hours: Afternoon - Late nightRP preference: DiscordI only rp with people 18+.I'm not picky with reply length or speed!!! Please take your time/ask for reminders if you need!! I understand sometimes Brain Do Things!Yes Sverna is poly, yes she is flirty IC, but romance is touchy and should be discussed/planned, pls don't be weird.Okay with dark themes but discuss/plan beforehand pls.Also PLEASE don't lore-correct me in a rude way, I DO wanna know but please I am running on imagination for most of this LMAO.I myself am a chatty person so if at any time you get an idea, please do hit me with it bc I will absolutely do my best to fire back and fuel the brainworms.